In 2007, an EF5 tornado devastated the town of Greensburg, killing eleven people, and leveling almost every building in town.
About half of the town's population ended up moving away after the tornado, and for a time things looked bleak for Greensburg. But then something remarkable happened.
The remaining residents got together and decided to rebuild their community. But they didn't want to simply recreate what was lost; they wanted to remake a better Greensburg. A greener Greensburg.
It wasn't a quick decision or an easy process, but eventually, using environmentally-friendly construction techniques, they built a new town that is sustainable. They were so successful, in fact, that Greensburg is now considered one of the most sustainable small towns in the world. Many other towns now use Greensburg as a model for ways that they can make their own towns greener and more sustainable.
Part 1: History
Part 2: the Tornado
Part 3: Rebuilding a Green City
open M-Sa 9-6, Su 1-6
$8 admission for adults, $6 for children aged 5-12, 4 & under free
In the area? A 10-minute drive will take you to some impressive metal art!